One&Only Mandarina: The MettaWings Experience - A Symphony of Serenity and Discovery

Imagine a place where the whispers of the wind carry tales of kindness, where the One&Only Mandarina stands not just as a destination but as a beacon of tranquility. This is where MettaWings unfurls its wings, inviting you on a journey that resonates with the soul's longing for peace and understanding.

A Sanctuary of Serenity and Sustainability

Nestled where the rainforest kisses the sea, One&Only Mandarina is a sanctuary that echoes our commitment to sustainability and well-being. Here, every stay is an opportunity to connect with the earth, indulge in the freshest organic produce, and embrace the tranquil rhythms of nature.

Culinary Delights

with a Conscience Dine at Carao, where every dish is a love letter to the local landscape, crafted with care by Chef Enrique Olvera. The Charred Avocado with Scallops is not just a meal; it’s a celebration of sustainable gastronomy that nourishes both body and soul.

Cultural Connections That Enrich

Experience the ‘Cora Cultural Experience,’ a curated journey into the vibrant heart of Mexican heritage. It’s a chance to forge genuine connections and gain insights that enrich your understanding of the world.

Mindfulness Retreats for Personal Harmony

Join us for ‘Mindfulness Retreats’ that align with our ethos of personal growth and inner peace. Amidst the whispering palms, find a space to reflect, grow, and emerge with a renewed sense of purpose.

Special Rates for Our Beloved Community

As a token of our appreciation for your journey with MettaWings, we’re offering special rates for your stay at One&Only Mandarina. Visit our website to discover these exclusive offers and begin your journey of enlightened travel.

Together, let’s embark on a journey that celebrates the beauty of the world and the kindness within us all.

Connect with us for inquiries and reservations



Rainforest, Seafront, Mandarina